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Living Dangerously: Wildfires
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I know wildfires are good for a forest, and play a necessary natural role in maintaining our ecosystem. However, as I think about the magnificent Purisima Creek redwoods towering over me during a mountain bike trek last weekend, or a...
Discovering a Love for Science Through Nature
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It was Mr. DeSanto’s biology class in 12th grade that first had me in awe over the intricate systems prevalent in all plants and animals. For me, science had always been a routine class where I did what I needed...
Achieving Environmental Literacy in a Standards-Based World
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The 1983 release of the National Commission on Excellence in Education report, A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, marks the starting point of the education reform movement that today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future will drive...
Apex Predators: A Power for Good?
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Catching up on emails recently, I came across a link titled “How Wolves Change Rivers”. I thought, “Come on. How could a wolf change a river?” Well, it turns out that the video unveiled a phenomenon called “trophic cascade.” Think...
I Am A Bioneer
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I have attended the Bioneers conference in San Rafael, CA every year since 2002 because it motivates me to act. I squeezed my first Bioneers conference into a weekend when I was in the middle of exams for my MBA...
Who is Going to Care? From Butterflies to Environment-Based Education
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Sometimes it is best to start near the beginning and, in my case, that was a youth spent chasing butterflies, catching frogs, and fishing in nearby lakes. By the time I finished high school and entered UCLA, my passion took...
Teens Turning Green
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This week’s blog post is from Erin Schrode, one of our dynamic advisory board members. Erin shares some information about her wonderful organization, Teens Turning Green. I believe in the power of education above all else. I endeavor...
Left, Right, and Center of the Cosmos
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Listening to a recent broadcast of KCRW’s Left, Right and Center, co-host Rich Lowry (author and editor of the National Review) put forth a few things that concerned, or perhaps more accurately, disturbed me. He questioned how we can be...