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Climate Justice Curriculum by Youth, for Youth
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Courtney Welsh
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We’re proud to showcase the next story from the seventh-grade writing team in our Climate Change and Environmental Justice Program, Global Nomads Group....

Ten Strands Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Continue Investing in K–12 Climate and Environmental Literacy
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Ten Strands
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Today, Governor Gavin Newsom released the May Revision to his proposed California State Budget for FY 2023-24. We recognize and appreciate the complexity of this year’s budget and our budget leaders’ efforts to address the state’s most pressing issues that...

May 4, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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In this newsletter, read about Lela Ward’s work as an ESTF fellow that led her to have a deeper understanding of how to engage students in climate and environmental conversations and projects.
My Journey as a Solutionary
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Lela Ward
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Today, we’re highlighting the story of Lela Ward, a teacher from Menlo Park City School District, who participated in our Environmental Solutionary Teacher Fellowship (ESTF). ESTF brings together teachers, professional learning and academic standards experts, and community-based partners to integrate...

AEOE, Ten Strands, and the California Environmental Literacy Initiative Announce Friends of the Los Angeles River as the 2023 Organization of the Year
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Ten Strands
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California’s Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE), Ten Strands, and the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI) are pleased to award Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR) as the 2023 Environmental Education Organization of the Year....

Apr. 20, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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We’re celebrating Earth Day and National Poetry Month with a story by Emilie Lygren, outdoor science educator and poet, where she explains her deep connection with nature through writing.
Poetry and Science: Pathways to Presence
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Emilie Lygren
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In celebration of National Poetry Month and Earth Day, we’re excited to share with you a story by Emilie Lygren, outdoor science educator and poet, where she explains her deep connection with nature through writing....

Apr. 6, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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In this newsletter, we share some of the great work Anaheim Unified School District is doing to educate students and families about environmental justice and climate change.