Explore “For the Love of Nature: Ecowriting the World,” celebrating nature’s beauty and inspiring action in this week’s newsletter. California schools prepare for comprehensive climate education with AB 3051. Join us in empowering teachers and students with Open Door webinars,...
This week’s newsletter celebrates the crafting of a collective poem from over sixty worldwide contributions, reflecting a global tapestry of voices, skillfully curated by Allie Rigby. Additionally, we’re proud to announce that the Youth Climate Ambassadors Leadership Program has been...
In this week’s newsletter, discover how Mark St. John’s compelling narrative invites us to ponder our roles as stewards of the planet through the lens of Ten Strands’ purpose and work. At the Green Schools Conference, Andra Yeghoian spotlighted two...
This week, the Climate Ready Schools Coalition’s dedication was recognized with the Best of Green Schools Award, highlighting their advocacy for climate-resilient school infrastructure and urging policymakers to prioritize climate action to protect children’s well-being in the face of climate...
Decades of research affirm the benefits of outdoor learning for TK—12 students, from improved concentration to enhanced emotional well-being. In California, we are proud to be involved in a movement that endeavors to integrate outdoor education into the educational framework...
Engaging in initiatives like San Mateo County’s Youth Climate Ambassador Program and Ten Strands’ California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program, Sara recognizes the significance of mentorship and empowerment in guiding youth to advocate effectively for climate change.
...Reflecting on the challenges she faced as a student in a California public school, Janneke Petersen shares the journey that inspired her, years later, to develop the Symbiotic Schoolyard Ecosystem Unit.
...As we enter the new year with gratitude, we are excited to reflect on the inaugural California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program. Launched in the summer of 2023 by Ten Strands, Sierra Club, and UndauntedK12, this initiative marked a...
As 2023 draws to a close, we reflect on how much has been accomplished and how much still lies ahead. Our deepest appreciation extends to the partners, advisors, and friends who help shape how we advance our mission. Together we’ve...
We’re delighted that COP28 is elevating the importance of education in solving the climate crisis! Learn about the integral role of the Office for Climate Education (OCE), established after the Paris Agreement ratification, a CA budget ask to leverage Federal...
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