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Our Champion Teachers
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Our Teacher Ambassadors (TAs) are teachers who advocate for environment-based education. They are teachers who believe that the real key to combating climate change and the destruction of our natural world is through teaching future generations every day in the...
Benchmarking Our Green Schools
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In 2010 when I stepped down from my long-term position as principal of the K-12 Head-Royce in Oakland, I set out on a journey to help grow greener, more sustainable schools. Aware of all that I needed to learn, I...
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
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(Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood ~ Nina Simone) My esteemed colleagues here at Ten Strands have been putting out some great blogs for a few months now, as you may know. Initially they encouraged me to join the fray, but...
Ten Strands By the Numbers
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We’ve just completed our first full school year of partnering with the Office of Education and the Environment (OEE) at CalRecycle and the results are in! Our focus last year was to increase awareness of the Education and Environment Initiative...
Living Dangerously: Wildfires
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I know wildfires are good for a forest, and play a necessary natural role in maintaining our ecosystem. However, as I think about the magnificent Purisima Creek redwoods towering over me during a mountain bike trek last weekend, or a...
Discovering a Love for Science Through Nature
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It was Mr. DeSanto’s biology class in 12th grade that first had me in awe over the intricate systems prevalent in all plants and animals. For me, science had always been a routine class where I did what I needed...
Achieving Environmental Literacy in a Standards-Based World
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The 1983 release of the National Commission on Excellence in Education report, A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, marks the starting point of the education reform movement that today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future will drive...
Apex Predators: A Power for Good?
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Catching up on emails recently, I came across a link titled “How Wolves Change Rivers”. I thought, “Come on. How could a wolf change a river?” Well, it turns out that the video unveiled a phenomenon called “trophic cascade.” Think...