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Teacher Participant to Mentor: How I Got Comfortable With the NGSS
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It has been almost a year since I first attended the San Mateo Environmental Learning Collaborative (SM ELC). Focused on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), SM ELC is a unique opportunity hosted by Ten Strands, SEER, and the San...

October 2016 Newsletter
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We’re excited to share updates on our work as we move toward environmental literacy for all California students!
Framework for the Future: Education Upgrade for California Students
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California just did something big. It didn’t get a lot of headlines, clicks, or television news coverage, but it will fundamentally transform the way we teach our 6.2 million students. The California Board of Education voted to include five key...

San Mateo Environmental Learning Collaborative: A Provider’s Perspective
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At the beginning of the San Mateo Environmental Education Learning Collaborative (SM ELC) workshop, Dr. Gerald Lieberman asked us who didn’t feel comfortable or knowledgeable applying the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The majority of teachers in the room raised...

Making Sense of the NGSS
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A Non-Science Person’s Perspective I’ve never been a “science person.” By this I mean I didn’t care for science classes when I was a student. I remember taking physical science, biology, and chemistry in high school because they were required...

San Mateo Environmental Learning Collaborative 2.0
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Last week Ten Strands and the San Mateo County Office of Education—STEM Center hosted the second iteration of the San Mateo Environmental Learning Collaborative (SM ELC), a professional learning workshop for San Mateo county teachers. The SM ELC brought together...

July 2016 Newsletter
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Thanks to grants from the Pisces Foundation, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, and the William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation, Ten Strands is providing project leadership and management to the Environmental Literacy Steering Committee.
Incorporating nature—and hope—into STEM Education with Biomimicry
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Mention frog mucus to a group of tenth-graders and you might expect to hear a collective “yuck.” To a class of sophomores from Kearny High’s School of Engineering, Innovation and Design in San Diego, the slimy substance on frogs’ skin...