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April 2017 Newsletter
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We are excited to announce that one of our projects has received a grant from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Ten Strands, as the project’s fiscal sponsor, has been awarded a three-year, $3.1 million grant to fund and manage the work...

Press Release: California Public-Private Partnership Honored for Work in Advancing Environmental Literacy
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 23, 2017 Contact: Environmental Literacy Steering Committee Karen Cowe, Project Director Email: California Public-Private Partnership Honored for Work in Advancing Environmental Literacy California’s Environmental Literacy Steering Committee was honored with a top national award yesterday...

Get Outside with NGSS: Weaving Outdoor Learning into Environment Based 5E Instructional Sequences (Part 2)
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Part two: A Deeper Dive Please refer to Part 1 of Kurt’s post, where he shares an in-depth look at the Get Outside with NGSS workshop! We have a unique opportunity in 2017 to invigorate public education; specifically, to elevate...

Get Outside with NGSS: Weaving Outdoor Learning into Environment-Based 5E Instructional Sequences (Part 1)
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History and Development of the Get Outside Workshops In early 2012, the California State Board of Education was on the brink of adopting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)—standards that would radically change how teachers would approach teaching science to...

A Capstone of Teacher Insights into Environmental Literacy
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“The students cleared a local pond that frequently gets clogged with natural or human-made pollution. On their return visit, they saw that a huge log had been thrown into the pond–but when they went to remove it, they found a...

Integrating Environmental Literacy into History–Social Science
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Nearly every day we hear news that pertains to the environment, whether it’s a local, state, national, or global issue. Of course, this news is not isolated to a single moment in time, but is connected to a wide variety...

Are We Still In a Goldilocks Moment To Achieve Environmental Literacy?
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On July 29, 2015, Ten Strands’ Founder Will Parish published a persuasive blog entitled A Goldilocks Moment for Environmental Literacy. With Trump’s upcoming inauguration, I returned to Will’s piece with a sense of urgency to evaluate whether we indeed still...

December 2016 Newsletter
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We share 10 reasons why supporting Ten Strands will create positive change.