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EdSource Podcast: Youth Leader Isha Clarke and Ten Strands CEO Karen Cowe
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Young people from around the globe have taken to the streets–and to the United Nations–to protest adult inaction on climate change. In this episode, EdSource takes a look at how students and teachers in California are helping to raise awareness...
NGSS Rollout 6: The Power of Integrating Science and Environmental Education
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“Pour ce qui est de l’avenir, il ne s’agit pas de le prévoir, mais de le rendre possible.” (“As for the future, it is not a question of predicting it, but of making it possible.”) ~Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1948)...
Energy, Gardens, and Engineering: Alameda Elementary Environmental Literacy Summer Institute 2019
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“I need a glue gun!” “Should we use black or white paper?” “Think about the angle.” “Let’s try putting the foil here.” “Should we seal it completely?” If you were at Bay Farm School in Alameda on June 12, 2019,...
Empowering Educators and Students: STEAM as a Catalyst for Agency, Access, and Joy
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The challenge: How to equitably increase access to environmental and arts knowledge for 4,000 K–12th grade students countywide in just a few months? How to make sustainable changes that will support and transform the landscape after the end of one-time...
The Green New Deal and Youth Climate Action
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This article is part of our Youth Voices series. At Ten Strands we believe that young people have valuable perspectives and a critical role in shaping our society and our world. We recognize their power to drive dialogue and create...
A Call to Action: Educators from Five Counties Embark on Three-year Journey to Advance Environmental Literacy in Their Schools
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“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” ~John Muir In April 2019, nearly 70 K–12 educators from Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties came to a...
California Environmental Literacy Initiative: A Focus on Environmental Justice and Environmental Literacy
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In May 2019, the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI) Leadership Council came together to have their second meeting, with a focus on environmental justice and environmental literacy. The goals for the day were to: develop a common understanding of environmental...
A Confluence of Opportunities for Expanding Environmental Literacy
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The term confluence typically relates to the coming together of two or more streams or rivers. In California’s ever-evolving educational landscape, we can apply it to the coming together and weaving of instructional strategies and priorities that represent an unprecedented...