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Building Sustainable Agricultural Practices, Food Nourishment, and Community Building
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Michael Matsuda
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Today, we’re showcasing Anaheim Unified School District’s (AUHSD) efforts to educate students, families, and the community about sustainable agricultural practices, food nourishment, and community building....

Mar. 16, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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In this newsletter, we share our latest story out of the Climate Change and Environmental Justice Program! The Center for Ecoliteracy has been a leader in ecological education for over twenty-five years, nurturing student understanding of the food they eat...

The Environmental Education of Youth Holds the Solution to Our World’s Future
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Will Booth
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Ten Strands climate corps fellow Will Booth shares his journey to the environmental education space....

Nourishing Students in the Cafeteria, Classroom, and Garden
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Alexa Norstad
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Alexa Norstad, executive director of the Center for Ecoliteracy, shares the work of her organization to teach young learners about the interdependence and interconnectedness of people, food, place, and the ecosystem....

Mar. 2, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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At Ten Strands, we care about uplifting the work that young people are doing to fight climate change in their communities. In this newsletter, we share a powerful story by Rishi Gurjar, the next installment in our Youth Voices series.
New report from a broad coalition of California’s leading education and children’s health experts calls for a $150 billion public investment in climate-resilient school infrastructure
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Ten Strands
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Today, a coalition of more than fifty stakeholders released a new report urging California leaders to make a cost-effective, ten-year $150 billion investment to ensure TK–12 public schools can remain open, safe, and healthy places for children as the impacts...

From Climate Worrier to Climate Warrior: A Journey through Gardening and Climate Advocacy
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Rishi Gurjar
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We're share a powerful story by Rishi Gurjar, an incoming freshman at Cornell University, who has pioneered climate literacy efforts in his school district, leading to the decision by the district to incorporate environmental education in school campuses....

Feb. 16, 2023 Newsletter
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Ten Strands
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This week’s newsletter includes a story by our Climate Change and Environmental Justice Program (CCEJP) partner, EcoGovLab.