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October 19, 2023 Newsletter
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Learn about Naomie Chien’s path to climate advocacy through her curiosity to unravel the climate whodunnit! This newsletter also shares a legislative update on SB 394 and AB285, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Infrastructure and Sustainability partnership initiative with...

Unraveling the Climate Whodunnit: A Challenging of Identity and Belief
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October 5, 2023 Newsletter
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In August, we brought together partners in our Climate Change and Environmental Justice Program (CCEJP) for a three-day convening of collaborating, writing, and learning, to advance the creation of our community- and student-centered K–12 curriculum units.
Embracing the Power of the Collective
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September 21, 2023 Newsletter
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In this newsletter, read about the early stages of our California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program—a new statewide youth program designed to empower high school students to enact real change in their school or district.
California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program: A Game Changer for Climate Action and Youth Advocacy
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September 7, 2023 Newsletter
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In this newsletter, read about the California Cohort Day, an event that gathered fifty educators in California to showcase inspiring stories of leadership and partnership on climate change and environmental justice education.
Facing Change Together at the Climate Generation’s Summer Institute
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