The 1983 release of the National Commission on Excellence in Education report, A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, marks the starting point of the education reform movement that today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future will drive...
Catching up on emails recently, I came across a link titled “How Wolves Change Rivers”. I thought, “Come on. How could a wolf change a river?” Well, it turns out that the video unveiled a phenomenon called “trophic cascade.” Think...
I have attended the Bioneers conference in San Rafael, CA every year since 2002 because it motivates me to act. I squeezed my first Bioneers conference into a weekend when I was in the middle of exams for my MBA...
Sometimes it is best to start near the beginning and, in my case, that was a youth spent chasing butterflies, catching frogs, and fishing in nearby lakes. By the time I finished high school and entered UCLA, my passion took...
Listening to a recent broadcast of KCRW’s Left, Right and Center, co-host Rich Lowry (author and editor of the National Review) put forth a few things that concerned, or perhaps more accurately, disturbed me. He questioned how we can be...
A few weeks ago I learned about a course that was open to the public at UC Berkeley, Edible Education 101: The Rise and Future of the Food Movement. The Edible School Yard Project manages the public tickets through Eventbrite....
Riding the Capitol Corridor train on my most recent trip to Sacramento, I was struck by just how much I miss teaching. While it was hard to leave the high school classroom, I am happy to be involved with contributing...
At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos last month I participated in sessions and idea forums to learn and exchange ideas about the profound political, economic, social and technological forces transforming our lives and activities that, per the...
Last Saturday, I attended the first of five focus group meetings for the 2016 revision of the Science Framework for California Public Schools. The Framework is being revised because California recently adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The revision...
With everything that cycles through my mind day after day, water has been cropping up at increasingly frequent intervals. More specifically, the dearth of rainfall here in the Bay Area as California enters its third consecutive dry winter. San Francisco,...
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