Statement of Purpose: Ten Strands is introducing its staff through statements of purpose from each member that reveals the motivations and ambitions of their work. Today, we hear from Ten Strands Director of Equity and Inclusion Celeste Royer who shares...
Climate change has become a divisive, political issue that has extended to our classrooms. That was a key takeaway from Katie Worth’s new book, Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America. Worth traveled to many communities to talk to...
When the National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative (NCOLI) was launched at the height of the pandemic in 2020, it sought to stem the inequities in education exacerbated by COVID-19. Two years later, founding partners Ten Strands, Green Schoolyards America, the...
This article is part of our Youth Voices series. At Ten Strands we believe that young people have valuable perspectives and a critical role in shaping our society and our world. We recognize their power to drive dialogue and create...
“Can we go up to the vernal pools tomorrow?” My query was met with quizzical looks. This year’s group of students at Outside School, in Richmond, CA, prefers the comfort of the park at hand and flush toilets. This is...
We’d like your help circulating a call for Letters of Interest (LOI) for a new project we’re working on related to developing K–12 curricular resources focused on climate change and environmental justice. This is a joint project between Ten Strands,...
When the National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative was launched in the summer of 2020, as a joint effort between founding partners Ten Strands, the Lawrence Hall of Science, Green Schoolyards America, and San Mateo County Office of Education, it was...
Earth Force is putting environmental education into action by empowering young people to make real-world changes. A virtual organization, Earth Force is expanding its reach across the country, including in California where they work with organizations like YES Nature to...
When the global pandemic forced widespread shutdown in 2020, Outdoor Afro founder and CEO Rue Mapp had a simple slogan that came to define the work of her organization: “nature never closes.” Outdoor Afro connects Black families through the experiences...
In November, five students and their teacher from Palisades High School in Calistoga came to the canyon where I live just outside of town to plant acorns under the guidance of the Napa County Resource Conservation District (Napa RCD), a...
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