Stargazing on an exceptionally clear night. Looking up at a ginormous redwood tree. Walking up to the Grand Canyon for the very first time. No matter your age or interests, there is nothing like experiencing awe. The best interjections for...
We all heard the news. It was as if the environmental movement had finally medalled in the Olympics after years of not making the podium. A Global Climate Deal. More than 150 leaders from around the world gathered in Paris...
The holidays are upon us once again, and as we prepare to celebrate the season of giving I’m feeling hopeful about the coming year. There are so many good things happening out there! If you’re looking for some presents to...
“It is becoming increasingly apparent that we shall not have the benefits of this world for much longer. The imminent and expected destruction of the life cycle of world ecology can only be prevented by a radical shift in outlook...
A few years ago many of my friends were on the hunt for jobs. It was a pretty dismal landscape. When I graduated from college in 2010 unemployment, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), was at a high...
Working in the education arena can really do wonders for any misconceptions one might have about teachers having the summer off. Although school is technically out, anyone who thinks teachers don’t work year-round is sorely mistaken—as I’ve had the...
Are we experiencing a “Goldilocks Moment” for Ten Strands’ efforts to be successful in environmental education? In The Big History Project by David Christian, he describes the reason the earth began supporting life to be that conditions were just right:...
We’ve just returned from the Teacher Ambassador Institute in Folsom, California, where despite the temperature peaking at 110 degrees, we were all able to keep our cool and enjoy a productive workshop. Because the number of teachers interested in the...
Fish are jumpin’ and we’re gearing up for a busy summer at Ten Strands! We’ll be supporting and participating in three professional learning institutes in June, July, and August. The first event is the EEI Teacher Ambassador Training Institute (TA...
We’re fortunate here at Ten Strands to have a group of folks with a wide range of talents from different backgrounds, locations, and fields of experience. It makes for a strong team—and some very interesting staff meetings as, you can...
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