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April 4, 2024 Newsletter
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This week’s newsletter celebrates the crafting of a collective poem from over sixty worldwide contributions, reflecting a global tapestry of voices, skillfully curated by Allie Rigby. Additionally, we’re proud to announce that the Youth Climate Ambassadors Leadership Program has been...

We Have So Much Left to Learn
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Photo by Allie Rigby We Have So Much Left to Learn Listening is no quiet act. No Milky Waytaught us, we just knew, like school children “No running on fields!” that when it rained,and we took to the grass in...

March 21, 2024 Newsletter
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In this week’s newsletter, discover how Mark St. John’s compelling narrative invites us to ponder our roles as stewards of the planet through the lens of Ten Strands’ purpose and work. At the Green Schools Conference, Andra Yeghoian spotlighted two...

A Perspective on Preparing the Next Generation
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Introduction Over the past fifty years, in my own organization, Inverness Research, I have evaluated and studied hundreds of efforts to improve education. For almost a decade, I have worked with Ten Strands as a critical friend and thought partner....

March 8, 2024 Newsletter
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This week, the Climate Ready Schools Coalition’s dedication was recognized with the Best of Green Schools Award, highlighting their advocacy for climate-resilient school infrastructure and urging policymakers to prioritize climate action to protect children’s well-being in the face of climate...

Statement of Purpose: How Learning from Nature Paved Path to Ten Strands
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Statement of Purpose: Ten Strands continues to introduce its staff through statements of purpose that reveal the motivations and ambitions of their work. Today, we hear from Ten Strands advancement associate, Sofia Safranek, who shares her childhood experiences at an outdoor...

Building a Resilient Future: The Climate Ready Schools Coalition
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Jenny Seydel, Executive Director of Green Schools National Network and Jonathan Klein, Co-Founder and CEO of UndauntedK12 at the award ceremony for the Best of Green Schools Michelle Curreri Collaborator Award held at the Green Schools Conference on March 6,...

February 15, 2024 Newsletter
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Decades of research affirm the benefits of outdoor learning for TK—12 students, from improved concentration to enhanced emotional well-being. In California, we are proud to be involved in a movement that endeavors to integrate outdoor education into the educational framework...