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Building a Resilient Future: The Climate Ready Schools Coalition
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Jenny Seydel, Executive Director of Green Schools National Network and Jonathan Klein, Co-Founder and CEO of UndauntedK12 at the award ceremony for the Best of Green Schools Michelle Curreri Collaborator Award held at the Green Schools Conference on March 6,...
February 15, 2024 Newsletter
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Decades of research affirm the benefits of outdoor learning for TK—12 students, from improved concentration to enhanced emotional well-being. In California, we are proud to be involved in a movement that endeavors to integrate outdoor education into the educational framework...
Now is the Time for a Statewide Campaign for Outdoor Learning!
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Want to take a little quiz? Come on, it’ll be fun. Just answer this one question before you get started reading the rest of this article. Which of the following are widely accepted benefits associated with TK–12 students spending time...
February 1, 2024 Newsletter
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Engaging in initiatives like San Mateo County’s Youth Climate Ambassador Program and Ten Strands’ California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program, Sara recognizes the significance of mentorship and empowerment in guiding youth to advocate effectively for climate change.
...Empowering Climate Action Leaders: Sara’s Insights from Mentoring the California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program
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January 18, 2024 Newsletter
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Reflecting on the challenges she faced as a student in a California public school, Janneke Petersen shares the journey that inspired her, years later, to develop the Symbiotic Schoolyard Ecosystem Unit.
...Increase Biodiversity in Your Schoolyard as the Anchor to an NGSS-Aligned Ecosystem Unit
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January 4, 2024 Newsletter
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As we enter the new year with gratitude, we are excited to reflect on the inaugural California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program. Launched in the summer of 2023 by Ten Strands, Sierra Club, and UndauntedK12, this initiative marked a...