Lucas Cohen
Lucas Cohen has been with SFOA since 2019. He is the head of SFOA’s coaching program and has his hands in marketing and business development, helping to spread the word about SFOA programming. Lucas has previously spent time working on marketing consulting, assistive technology for people with disabilities, and youth voter turnout. He has been passionate about the climate crisis and sustainability since his environmental awakening in college, and loves the outdoors, hiking, camping, and gardening. Lucas received his BA in Communication and certification in Technology Management from UC Santa Barbara, and currently lives in Saratoga, California.
Lucas Cohen has been with SFOA since 2019. He is the head of SFOA’s coaching program and has his hands in marketing and business development, helping to spread the word about SFOA programming. Lucas has previously spent time working on marketing consulting, assistive technology for people with disabilities, and youth voter turnout. He has been passionate about the climate crisis and sustainability since his environmental awakening in college, and loves the outdoors, hiking, camping, and gardening. Lucas received his BA in Communication and certification in Technology Management from UC Santa Barbara, and currently lives in Saratoga, California.