Ed Lyon
Dr. Ed Lyon is an associate professor of science education at Sonoma State University and the California Association of Science Educators’ four-year college director. He engages in teaching, scholarship, and service to address how middle school and high school science teachers can best implement instructional and assessment practices that promote scientific sense-making and literacy development in multilingual classrooms. As a coprincipal investigator for the National Science Foundation-funded Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition project, he has partnered with science teacher educators and science teachers to develop and research innovative approaches in secondary science method courses to better prepare new science teachers to teach English learners. This scholarship has framed his teaching for single-subject candidates around a set of high-leverage teaching practices that candidates experience, analyze, and approximate in the context of new national teaching priorities and standards, namely Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core.
Dr. Ed Lyon is an associate professor of science education at Sonoma State University and the California Association of Science Educators’ four-year college director. He engages in teaching, scholarship, and service to address how middle school and high school science teachers can best implement instructional and assessment practices that promote scientific sense-making and literacy development in multilingual classrooms. As a coprincipal investigator for the National Science Foundation-funded Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition project, he has partnered with science teacher educators and science teachers to develop and research innovative approaches in secondary science method courses to better prepare new science teachers to teach English learners. This scholarship has framed his teaching for single-subject candidates around a set of high-leverage teaching practices that candidates experience, analyze, and approximate in the context of new national teaching priorities and standards, namely Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core.