Carolina Orlando
Carolina Orlando is a kindergarten teacher in the Millbrae School District. She has been an educator for 23 years with a multiple-subject credential, as well as BCLAD. She lives in Millbrae with her husband and three children. Carolina believes that kindergarten is a crucial year for all students as it sets the foundation for the educational journey and is a great opportunity to foster a love of learning. She has worked on many committees in her district that have focused on improving student learning and school environment. She is committed to helping all students and families in her community.
Carolina Orlando is a kindergarten teacher in the Millbrae School District. She has been an educator for 23 years with a multiple-subject credential, as well as BCLAD. She lives in Millbrae with her husband and three children. Carolina believes that kindergarten is a crucial year for all students as it sets the foundation for the educational journey and is a great opportunity to foster a love of learning. She has worked on many committees in her district that have focused on improving student learning and school environment. She is committed to helping all students and families in her community.